Nigeria on the journeyman’s walk - Enjoy this Awesome Report
By Sunny Ikhioya IT is a new year. As usual, people have started appraising year 2019 that has gone forever. The new year ushers in a new decade of the twenty-twenties. But will it be the beginning of new realities? Will it be one in which our dream, as it concerns one united and prosperous Nigeria, will be realised? Or are we continuing on the journeyman’s march that has been on since 1960? Journeyman, by the way, is the term given to a man who has completed his apprenticeship, but because he does not have the necessary wherewithals continues to serve as an employee under a master until enabled to set up his own business. That is the story of Nigeria: so much potentials, so much skills and human capital, as well as natural resources, but with no driver. READ ALSO: Mourinho reacts to United loss by sleeping at training ground (Opens in a new browser tab) Will the new decade usher in the very badly expected change given the way the country has been run these past decades? If our ex...